The annual average values of Ist harmonic amplitudes of high amplitude wave trains for kiel and Halaekala neutron monitor station have been used to see their variation with the annual average magnitude of the sunspot number for the interval 1989-2003. This analysis very clearly supports the earlier finding that the diurnal amplitude are significantly smaller during the low sunspot activity period. We found the clear cut evidence of significant positive co-relation the sunspots number and Ist harmonic amplitude. The diurnal phase of daily variation of cosmic rays for the high latitude station kiel as well as for the low latitude station haleakala for the entire period of study has also found co-related with much higher positive positive co-relation.
Solar wind streams are continuously blowing solar corona into interplanetary space and are effected by different solar and interplanetary parameters, we have been tried to investigate the correlative nature of different interplanetary parameters, while diving the complete solar cycle in for categories we have taken solar cycle 22.
A new application of Wiener indices in estimating X-ray K-absorption parameters is described in the present paper. X-ray K-absorption parameters are correlated with Wiener indices. Some mixed ligand complexes of Amino acid are used to establish this type of correlation. The results obtained in this study remonstrate that topological indices of the organic molecules acting as ligands can be used for estimating edge shift theoretically.
Today the subject of protection of five ‘J’ that is Jan (People), Jameen (land), Jal (water), Jangal (forest), Janwar (animal) is having great impetus.
If we ponder over ancient Indian history then we find many evidences showing efforts made for the safeguarding of these Panch J. Now let use see each of these in detail.
X-ray K-absorption spectra of some copper (II) complexes of newly synthesized mannich bases of biological interest have been studied using Seifert X-ray generator and Cauchois type bent crystal X-ray spectrogroph of 0.4m radius. The observed X-ray parameters, e g. chemical shift, shift of principal absorption maximum, edge-width, effective nuclear charge and percentage covalency have been used to explain the structure of the complexes, and these parameters are sensitive to the topological structure of coordinating iigands, so that they can be successfully used for with Randic index.
Concept of nanotechnology refers to study of characteristics of materials ranging between 0.1 to 100 nanometer. It also refers to fabrication of such materials and relevant calibration technology with the help of carbon nanotube field effect transistors(CNTFET), nano powders and others. With the help of this technology revolutionary nanomachines like nanorobots, DNA computers and nano computers can be formed. Effective check on cancer would also be possible by this, thereby reducing the pain due to side effects of regular radiation therapies and chemotherapies presently used. Nanotechnology promises to make us healthy and wealthy. It can have biggest impact on medical science.
Dyeing and Textile industries are highly water intensive and are the major contributors to water pollution. In Present Paper we have worked on industrial waste minimization through static bioassay experiment on H. fossitis fish. On exposure to different concentration (including LD50 & LD100) of 5-methyl azodye and its Complexes with Cu2+ & Co2+ metal ions for 30 days, experimental fishes showed considerable variations in the degree of intoxication. Results indicate that through complexation, toxicity of azodyes can be minimized. Apart from complexation lowering of liquor ratio. Process innovation and Optimizing dyeing processes have also been used for waste management of textile industries.