Journal of Chemistry

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Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal

Journal of Ultra Chemistry (JUC) is an international journal of chemistry, interdisciplinary double blind peer reviewed refereed scholarly open access journal published bimonthly. Journal of Ultra Chemistry which started in 2005 is indexed in many reputed national and international indexing agencies. JUC publishes articles in all areas of chemistry, chemical sciences and chemical engineering of academic, social and commercial importance. Kindly submit your research article(s) for publication in JUC by filling up the Paper Submission form or alternatively, you can send your research paper(s) by email:-

Journal of Chemistry
Impact Factor: 2.48
Reg No.: RNI. MPENG/2005/15917
ISSN: 0973-3450 (Print)
ISSN: 2319-8036 (Online)
Periodicity: Bi-Monthly (Frequency-6 issues per year)
Year of Publication: 21st
Email: chiefeditor(at) , chiefeditorjuc(at)
Mobile: +91-9425014437, +91-9425605537
Current Issue : 2023 19(1)

International Journal of Chemistry- Refereed Peer Reviewed Journal

Journal of Ultra Chemistry  is now in its 18th successful year of publication. JUC publishes  high quality original research papers, review articles and short communications rapidly in all the areas of pure and applied chemistry, chemical sciences and chemical engineering  The publication of Journal of Ultra Chemistry is published from, Bhopal India. For more information kindly see Aims & Scope.



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