Alpha amylase was isolated and characterized from Aspergillus niger using source soregum sample. The maximum activity 0.6237µmol/ml/min was obtained and Km value of enzyme was 5.8 x 10-5. The enzyme of Aspergillus niger could produce alpha amylase under solid state fermentation. The optimal conditions for maximal amylase production, includes pH 6.9, temperature 37oC and salt 10 Mm concentration. The enzyme activity was determined by DNS method. Using standard maltose curve.
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S. Bole; S. L.n.; L. Nargund; K. R. Maruthi, "Production and characterization of á-amylase from Aspergillus Niger ", Journal of Ultra Chemistry, Volume 6, Issue 3, Page Number 269-274, 2018Copy the following to cite this URL:
S. Bole; S. L.n.; L. Nargund; K. R. Maruthi, "Production and characterization of á-amylase from Aspergillus Niger ", Journal of Ultra Chemistry, Volume 6, Issue 3, Page Number 269-274, 2018Available from: